Squishy Momo’s Thoughts

Dream Big

Dreaming big is something that we should do in life. By dreaming big, I am merely suggesting that when you want something bad enough, go after it! Once you decide that you are going to go after it, do not for a moment think that you are not going to have bumps in the road. When you have bumps in the road, they are designed to help you travel the path with some modifications. This means that you are going to have to come up with a way to get over the bump. It may be that you must learn a new skill or get more education. This is still good in the sense that you are learning something new and still on your way to achieving what you want.

            If for any reason you find yourself not getting what you want, stop and look around. Ask yourself if there is something that you are missing. Try to figure out what it is and keep moving. Ask people for help, at least those who are being supportive of you. Be incredibly careful who you are allowing on your “front row”. Keep those close to you who have been able to DREAM BIG and see the beauty of the end results, or those who are determined, no matter what will run the race with you.  No matter what, do not quit, keep moving!

Squishy Momo’s Thoughts

The Power of Prioritizing

Prioritizing can open up the door for opportunities. Learning how to determine what should get attention first, will be an action that can help you function with more ease in life. It can also help you achieve good grades and create more time for extracurricular activities. Think about it, if you have a big homework assignment due in your English class and you want to go to the High School basketball game in the same week, you need to figure out how much time should be allocated toward the big assignment. After you have figured out how much time that may be, then you can work with the time that you have left and see if it allows you time for other things that you may want to do and of course go to the basketball game.

Prioritizing will involve saying no to some things. You may want to hang out with your friends, but because of the big assignment that you have due and wanting to go to the basketball game, you have to let something go. You may have to tell your friends that you can’t at this time. You may have to come up with suggestions that allow you to hang out with your friends another time.

Prioritizing will call for you to exercise discipline and have an open mind. You don’t have to feel life you can’t do a lot of things, you just have to make a decision on what is of the most importance. The earlier you learn how to prioritize, the sooner you learn how to manage activities and those things that are essential to being a successful person.

Squishy Momo’s Thoughts

The Importance of Learning CPR


Having a skill that could save a life is one worth having. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a lifesaving technique useful in many emergencies. Some of these emergencies can include a heart attack or someone who almost drowns which both of these situations involves the heart to possibly stop. If you were trained and certified in this skill you could help save a life. It could be the life of a relative, friend, or innocent bystander. Emergencies are unpredictable and can happen at any place at any time. There are classes designed to teach and certify individuals with these skills and I would encourage you to consider certification. You can learn more about how to become CPR certified in your community by contacting the local Red Cross or the American Heart Association. You can get training in infant, child, and adult CPR. Also, you can learn how to use an AED (Automated external defibrillator) machine. An AED machine is used when someone experiences sudden cardiac arrest. In other words, we will need to use an AED machine when someone’s heart stops. This machine isn’t very hard to use and it is a device that will walk you through each step needed in order to successfully operate the machine. We cannot put a price on having a skill that could save a life. Please consider getting certification in CPR/AED today!

Squishy Momo’s Thoughts

Encouragement for Taking Tests

Learning is a process that we will go through most of our lives. Studying for tests is what we have to do in order to advance in our academics, even life. For some of us, studying may be easy and for others it may require a lot of time and patience. Having the perfect solution to pass a test is not something that may be able to be directly offered to you, but encouragement is. Time management and preparation are two important things that students must have in order to focus on achieving a passing or desired score.

            Many individuals can have different learning techniques and process information very differently. The key is for you to discover what works best for you. This may be a time when you take your eyes off your friends and focus on you. Start looking at a plan that helps you achieve a desired outcome. Learn how to break your class material apart and how long you will need to spend each day preparing. If you are an individual who does better writing material down and then verbalizing, then do it! Find a strategy that works and stick with it. Please keep in mind that when you find something that doesn’t work, you will need to work with it until it does work. The point I am trying to make is keep working with what you have until you find success.

            Don’t compare yourself with others, you are unique in how you learn and process information. If you don’t get the score you want, go to your instructor and ask for help. Whatever you do, keep trying hard and you will eventually succeed. Be strong and know that you can accomplish what you put your mind to. It may take you longer than you desire, but moving forward no matter what has to be a part of your mindset!

Squishy Momo’s Thoughts

Practicing Good Planning for Your School Week

It is important that you try to establish a good work routine for your school week. Making sure that your laundry is complete and preparing your clothes are just two places to start. If you organize your outfits the night before, you could possibly have more time left in the morning to complete another task. For those of you who want to take it a step even further, consider prepping your clothes for the whole school week!

If you take your lunch to school you can plan your menu a week ahead of time and actually make each lunch the night before school. The goal is to get you into the habit of not waiting until the last minute to do things. When you wait until the last minute, you may easily find yourself stressed out. Good planning can help you develop healthy habits that in turn can help you become a successful individual. Allowing more time to complete tasks can also allow you to prepare yourself for the adult world.

There are many tasks that you can choose to do to help you with successful planning and organization. Even though, I offered some ideas for planning for the school week, you can be even more specific and choose tasks that apply directly to you. There are no exact tasks that you have to use, but choose things that can help you have a stress free and successful week. If you find you may need to add more to your list, do it! Enjoy the journey and remember to take it easy and ask for help, if needed.